Monday, July 31, 2017

Mexico saves 147 Central American migrants heading for US |

Mexico saves 147 Central American migrants heading for US |

Stratcom Worried By Slow Pace of U.S. Nuclear Modernization

Stratcom Worried By Slow Pace of U.S. Nuclear Modernization

Massive Larsen C iceberg on the move | Cosmos

Massive Larsen C iceberg on the move | Cosmos

Lies are dangerous

Lies are dangerous

Lies can also be upsetting. Im not interested in gangs. I dont wank. When a child is abused, they dont turn around 50 years later and abuse themselves. I have been the victim of horrible crimes. Kidnapping, trafficking, torture, rape slavery, forced marriage and attempted murder. Being a victim, being brutaly forced against my will and being alive is not a job or work.  Ive never been dangerous. Ive also been the victim of attempted frame ups by enemies.
I have many unanswered questions about my adoption, child porn and ID theft. I was born in New Zealand in the 1960s. Lies can be like a snowball, rumours  building on every exchange. Satan is the father of all lies. Im just trying to get on quietly with my life. Reading, writing, researching and blogging. Im not crazy. People have different political and religious opinions. Some people say telling the truth is just a conspiracy theory. I am a Christian with Sabbath on Saturday. I dont drink alcohol or use drugs. I dont drive or own a car. Ive never been to jail and I choose to have no tatoos.
August 2017 starts tomorrow. What will this month bring?

An outspoken researcher of Stalin's crimes fights for his own fate and freedom in Russia - LA Times

An outspoken researcher of Stalin's crimes fights for his own fate and freedom in Russia - LA Times

Police find Otago woman's body in house about two weeks after death |

Police find Otago woman's body in house about two weeks after death |

Scientists digging deep to unearth secrets about Earth's newest member – Zealandia! | Zee News

Scientists digging deep to unearth secrets about Earth's newest member – Zealandia! | Zee News

(158) Hunter S. Thompson Exposed as Child Murderer #Pizzagate - YouTube

(158) Hunter S. Thompson Exposed as Child Murderer #Pizzagate - YouTube

US Military Declares 'Time Is Running Out' Before War with North Korea | War and Conflict

US Military Declares 'Time Is Running Out' Before War with North Korea | War and Conflict

(158) Seth Rich Conspiracy Unraveling, As Trump Russia Face Off Again - YouTube

(158) Seth Rich Conspiracy Unraveling, As Trump Russia Face Off Again - YouTube

Guatemala research


600-900 AD – Enema beaker. Pactc slopes. Erquintla Guatemala. Maya. Pinterest. 7 Nov 2015.

830 – Mayans in Tikal Guatemala. 3,000 buildings and 45,000 people. (The story of archeology. Justin Pollard (c)2007 UK).

1524 – Guatemala had been the centre of the Mayan civilization, that flourished for a thousand years. Conquistadors invaded in 1524. (The secret history of the American empire. John Perkins ©2007 US).

1540 – Santiago capital of Guatemala was destroyed by and earthquake in 1540. (Lost explorers. Ed Wright UK).

Mid 1500s – Bishop Diego de Lande, the Spanish burned all the Mayan bark cloth books. The Mayan collection was destroyed, so was anyone who knew anything about it. Mayans lived in Guatemala. (A history of info storage and retrieval. Foster Stockwell ©2001 US).

1800s -1980s – By the end of the 1800s Boston based company United Fruit operated in Guatemala until the early 1950s. In 1954 the CIA organised a coup, American planes bombed the capital and installed Col Carlos Castillo Armas. A civil war erupted in 1960, right wing death squads. 1980s violence, torture and killings. (The secret history of the America empire. John Perkins ©2007 US).

1920 – The US sent troops to Guatemala. (The untold story of the US. Oliver Stone. ©2012 US).

1930s – Guatemala under Jorge Ubio. The land owning rich and the poor peasants. 3 million people in Guatemala.. (Red heat. Alex von Tunzelmann. (c)2011 UK).

1940s – A US operation in the 1940s to infect hundreds of Guatemalan citizens with syphilis. Pinterest.

1940s – Guatemalans and STD experiments, a crime in the history of the government. The people were used as guinea pigs. The US government experimented on Guatemalan prisoners  in the 1940s. Psychiatric tortures and infecting people with sypihilis and STDs. A crime against humanity. At least 1,500 Guatemalans were diagnosed with ficticious health conditions. (Natural news. 2 Oct 2010. Mike Adams. Health ranger).

1950s – A  stone head was found in the Guatemalan jungle. Photo taken in the 1950s. A giant Olmec stone head. An as yet undiscovered culture. Pinterest. 7 Nov 2015.

1950-54 - Guatemala, Jacobo Arbenz was elected in late 1950. 1952 Uited fruit company and American railway company. 1954 the Kemlin KT Czech on a Swedish ship the Alfhelm $4.9 million. Union bank of Switzerland and Stabank Pragg Czech. to Czech company Investa. 25 May 1954. 18 June 1954. CIA rebels invaded 1950. 23 June 1954 Soviets UN, jets pilots CIA rebels bombed Guatemala. Arbenz. (Khrushchev cold war. Alexandr Furshenko 2006).

1951-54 – Jacobo Arbenz Guzman was elected president of Guatemala in 1951. More than 90% of the land was owned by landlords or companies. Landless peasants made up more than half the population. From 1952-54 Arbenz gave 1.5 million acres to 100,000 poor families. The United fruit company was the largest landlord in Guatemala. They lost 400,000 acres and demanded $30 million. The CIA wanted to ovethrow Arbenz in 1951. (Red heat. Alex von Tunzelmann (c)2011 UK).

1952 – The Socialist Arbenz government nationalized 400,000 acres of unfarmed banana plantations, belonging to American United Fruit company in 1952. Arbenz invited the Communists to join his coalition. (Cold war. ©1993 M Walker).

1953-54 – Frank Wisner of the CIA and General Claire Chennault of the CIA airline CAT. Paul Helliwell also CIA in Guatemala. Helliwell’s Castle bank. (Global research. Peter Dale Scott. 6 Sept 2008).

1954 – After the right wing revolution in Guatemala in 1954, Cummings supplied the new government of Castillo-Armas with American Garand rifles, which he brought in the UK. (Arms bazaar. ©1977 Sampson).

1954 – CIA covert action was to topple the regime in Guatemala. Eisenhower’s PA was married to the head of PR at United Fruit, the corporation that engineered the overthrow of Guatemala’s government in 1954, after it nationalized land. (History Today. April 2013 UK).

1954 – CIA agents Tracy Barnes and Jake Esteline tried to bribe Arbenz. The CIA in March 1954 Arbenz. Foreign minister was Guillermo Toriello. Foster Dulles spoke against international communism. In May 1954 arms from Czech arrived in Guatemala with Nazi insignia, useless. On 27 June 1954 Arbenz was overthrown by the army and the US made Castillo Armas president. (Red heat. Alex von Tunzelmann (c)2011 UK).

1954 – Telegraph UK. Tom Rob Smith. 9 Nov 2015.  A CIA manual for covert action in Guatemala was found. Jabobo Arbenz Guzman was overthrown.

Jan-May 1954 – Jan 1954 Arbenz Communists in Guatemala. Russian bugs and spies at the US embassy there. Feb 1954 New York Times reporter Sydney Grusen was expelled from Guatemala. Arbenz got Czech arms and munitions shipped to Guatemala. On 15 May 1954 the SS Aflhem, thousands Czech weapons to Puerto Barrio port. Anti aircraft guns. (American spy. E Howard Hunt (c)2007 US).

June 1954 – On 17 June 1954 Colonel Carlos Castillo Armes and his wife crossed the Honduran border into Guatemala. For several days Hunt and the CIA got American jets and pilots to strafe and bombard Guatemala city. It lead a mercenary army financed and trained by the CIA in a CIA coup. The Lodge family, Henry Cabot Lodge had investments in United Fruit company. 25 June 1954 Arbenz resigned and went into exile in Mexico (Who really killed Kennedy. Jarome C Corsi © 2013 US).

June 1954 – The Eisenhower govt, allowed the CIA to overthrow the govt of Pres Jacobo Arbenez in Guatemala. The Czechs were trying to sell Guatemala German military equipment from World War Two. Historian Piero Gleijeses searched Guatemalan archives, which had been seized by the CIA. (We know now. John Lewis Gaddis ©1997 US).

July August 1954 – On 3 July 1954 Carlos Castillo Armas went to Guatemala city on a US embassy plane. 8 July 1965 in Aug 1954 Armes suspended all civil liberties. Within a week the govt arrested 4,000 people accused of Communism. Within four months 72,000 Guatemalans became registered Communists. (Who really killed Kennedy. Jerome C Corsi ©2013 US).

1957 – Associates of  Carlos Marcello and Johnny Rosselli murdered the pres of Guatemala. It was blamed on a lone patsy. The gunman was killed before he was to stand trial. (Ultimate sacrifice. JFK. Lamar Waldron (c)2005 US).

26 July 1957 – Carlos Castillo Armas was assassinated, four days after trying to close a casino owned by US Mafia Johnny Roselli. Roselli and Carlos Marcello from New Orleans were expanding in Guatemala. (Who really killed Kennedy. Jerome C Corsi ©2013 US).

26 July 1957 – The CIA organised the assassination of Carlos Castillo Armez in Guatemala. 26 July 1957. CIA E Howard. (Who really killed Kennedy. Jerome C Corsi ©2013 US).

1960s – Robert Kennedy had Marcello deported to Guatemala. Marcello was allegedly born in Tunisia North Africa and got fake documents saying he was born in Guatemala. Aided by pilot David Ferrie, Marcello made his way back to the US via Florida. David Ferrie introduced him to Lee Harvey Oswald in New Orleans. Jack Ruby was paying off corrupt police in Dallas. (Who really killed Kennedy. Jerome C Corsi ©2013 US).

1 Jan 1961 – Dillan Feltman émigré and CIA asset George de Mohrenschilt in Guatemala with his wife. Four months there.

15 March 1961 – Robert Kennedy ordered Carlos Marcello deported to Guatemala, where he had brought a birth certificate. On 4 April 1961 Marcello was sent to Guatemala. Bad treatment of Marcello from Robert Kennedy. (Mafia pdf).

1963 – Enrique Ruiz Harry Willliams was in Guatemala, two pistol weilding. He escaped, gun battle, one of his asailants, the other assailant fled the scene. Mafia boss Carlos Marcello and Johnny Rosselli. Manuel Artime. (Ultimate sacrifice. Lamar Waldron (c)2005 US).

1 Nov 1963 – David Ferrie flew back to New Orleans from Guatemala on 1 Nov 1963. As a pilot, he, or Mertz, who could also fly small aircraft, could have secretly flown anyone into Chicago. Miguel Casas Saez was also reported in Chicago  by 1 Nov 1963. The day before the JFK motorcade. (Ultimate sacrifice. Lamar Waldron (c)2005 US).

28 August 1968 – The US ambassador to Guatemala was assassinated. John Gordon Mein was murdered by a rebel faction, when gunmen forced his official car off the road in Guatemala city and raked the vehicle with gunfire.

28 August 1968 – A drive by assassination killed the American ambassador to Guatemala.

1970s 1980s – Mass killings in Guatemala. Jose Efraim Rios Montt. (Worse than war. David Jonah Goldhagen. (c)2009 US).

1972 – Luis Somoza from Nicaragua. Carlos Prio former pres of Cuba. Artime in Guatemala city in 1972. (Ultimate sacrifice. Lamar Waldron (c)2005 US).

1974 – The Kaibil's in Guatemala. The army's counter insurgency force which was founded in 1974. Mayan villages were destroyed and many peasants were killed. (Zero zero zero. Roberto Saviano (c)2013 UK).

1976 – John Hugh Wetterer, a Vietnam war veteran, founded an orphanage in Guatemala city, the Mi Casa. Toybox charity was a CIA front. Child abuse in Guatemala and the Americare paedophile ring.

1976 – A 7.5 earthquake killed more than 20,000 people. The November 2012 earthquake is the strongest since then. ABC news Australia 8 Nov 2012.

4 Feb 1976 – 23,000 people were killed in a 7.5 earthquake. Rapture ready.

4 Feb 1976 – A 7.5 earthquake. 23,000 people died. USGS historic world earthquakes.

1978 to 1985 – The Guatemalan government was anti Communist. Murder of Mayans. They expelled a million people. (Worse than war. David Jonah Goldhagen. (c)2009 US).

1980s – Guatemalan government killing of leftists and Mayans. documents were kept.. People were disappeared by the police. (Worse than war. David Jonah Goldhagen. (c)2009 US).

1982 – Stephen Kinzer. Bitter fruit. The untold story of the American coup in Guatemala. Garden city NY. Doubleday.

1982 – Richard H Immerman. The CIA in Guatemala. The foreign policy of intervention. Austin university of Texas press. Google books. The overthrow of the Castillo Armas government in 1954.

Feb 1982 – CIA sent cable. Counter insurgency ops in El Quiche. NSA the Guatemalan military. What the US files reveal, deaths.

6 Dec 1982 – Las Dos Erres in Peten was razed to the ground. 40 Kaibil government forces killed, tortured and raped, men, women and children. At least 250 people were killed. (Zero zero zero. Roberto Saviano (c)2013 UK).

Sept 1985 – From Marama Air Force base in Arizona, 4,000 TOW missiles were airlifted to Guatemala to begin their trip to Tel Aviv Israel. (Gideons spies. Gordon Thomas (c)2008 UK).

1990s – Cali cartel. Guatemala was a warehouse for cocaine. Most of the cocaine trafficking there was Cali cartel. Traffickers went by Guatemala to move 50 to 75 tons of cocaine a year to the US. (Drug barons. Paul Copperwaite ©2010 US UK).

1990 – The army murdered civilians in Santiago Atitlan, one of many massacres. Officially classified as “disappeared”. (The secret history of the American empire. John Perkins. ©2007 US).

1991 – Piero Gleijeses. Shattered hope, the Guatemalan and the US 1944-54. Princeton uni press.

1993 - Jerry Witts 1993 Antigua Guatemala. Saiwai Tapai bank. Forex currency trader . Forex. OTC Market Mexico. Guatemala Quetzals (money). Forex maeket. A farming company called Martini Platanor, Caribbean of Dominica hurricane 1950s. Island British Bahamas. (The devils deal. Andreas Loizou. 2012).

Dec 1994 – Mass graves. World press. Plan de Sanchez E.

Mid 1990s - US State dept official forced Guatemala to cut a law that saved the lived of 8 missing . The law bans the use of images of fat babies on infant formula packs. Product reconstituted with contaminated water. Baby food manufacturer Gerber Objects. US State dept official threat Guatemala trade . (The body hunters. Sonia Shah 2006).

1996 – Illegal adoptions. The Cook reports. Baby bandits. The Islington council London UK. Roger Cook. Guatemala and the UK. Jim Wroe.

1996 – After 36 years and more than 200,000 deaths the civil war in Giatemala ended, There may have been 126 massacres. (Zero zero zero. Roberto Saviano (c)2013 UK).

28 May 1997 - Tim Weiner. CIA plotted killing of 58 in Guateama. New York Times.

1999 – Guatemala, never again. REMNI historical, archdiocece of Guatemala. New York. Orbis.

1999 – Secret history, the CIA’s classified account of its operations in Guatemala 1952-54. Nick Cullather. Piero Gleijeses. Stanford Calif. Worldcat database.

16 April 1999 – Mass graves were found of civilians in Guatemala. Matt Kantz. National Catholic reporter. Executions, thousands of bodies were found buried in mass graves.

28 Dec 1999 – Larry Dale Lee age 41. An Ameican journalist in Guatemala city was found dead , killed two days after. Wikipedia. Unsolved deaths.

Dec 2000 – Israeli army officer Shimon Yelenik and weapons to Colombia, a Guatemalan arms firm. Israeli Ori Zoller, Nicaraguan army. (The shadow world. Andrew Feinstein (c)2011 US).

2003 – The civil war in Guatemala. The Kaibil murderers and drug trafficking by the military and police. Trafficking in children for illegal adoptions. (Zero zero zero. Roberto Saviano (c)2013 UK).

1 Oct 2003 – The anti terrorist Kaibil special forces were created in Guatemala. Kaibil murderers were the cause of the most crimes in Guatemala's 36 years of civil war. The law and paramilitary group called the Kaibils were guilty of genocide. (Zero zero zero. Roberto Saviano (c)2013 UK).

21 Jan 2005 – Andean folk art paintings. At Fiumicino airport a Guatemalan citizen was detained. Five paintings with 12 pre Colombian motifs was found, folded in each was an envelope with a kilo of 92% pure cocaine worth one millon Euros. (Zero zero zero. Roberto Saviano (c)2013 UK).

18 Nov 2005 – Drugs and the Guatemala military. Texas Observer.

21 Nov 2005 – The Guatemala police archives. Images from Guatemala secret files of repression.

23 August 2007 – AP US customs seized semi submarine with millions worth of cocaine off Guatemala.

16 Aug 2011 - Guatemala, another kidnap attempt in the US. CNN. Ricks int adoption. A 6 year old girl.

2012 - Mossfon supplies shell companies. Brodway commerce ltd. US Sarton 2012. A Guatemalan woman Marllory Dadiana. Chalon Rossell. A large drug route in central America. (The Panama papers. BF Obermaier 2016).

6 Aug 2013 - Insight crime. Children stolen for illegal rape and organs. Marguerite Cawley. Human trafficking. 22 passports of stolen children illegal . Stolen babies organs. False birth certificates for newborns. Prensa Libra. Illegal adoption a crime before 2007. Child trafficking, sent to the UK 2008 world trafficking.

4 Oct 2013 - Baby snatching for illegal adoption in Guatemala. News Anastasia Moloney. reuters.

26 Feb 2016 - Guatemala soldier sentenced to 240 years for systematic rapes. The Sepur Zarco case. Sex abuse case. Slavery.

4 Sept 2016 - Twitter. Earthquake report. A 4.2 earthquake off  Guatemala.

11 Oct 2016 - Billion graves cemetery. Cementerio general. Guatemala city. 203 new images added. Twitter.

11 Oct 2016 - Efraim Rios Montt dictator. Army massacres. Victoria Sanford. Telesur. Denial holocaust and Guatemala genocide. Maya. Rios Montts. The UN, army generals killed 200,000 Mayan people, Destroying 626 Mayan villages. 50,000 people went missing, 5,000 children. 1.5 million people displaced. Genocide. 1980s and 1990s.

2 Jan 2017 - Guatemala bust. Cocaine of Pacific coast. 1,500 pounds (680kg) of cocaine, boat of the coast. NZ Herald. AP.

10 March 2017 - NZ Herald. Death toll rises to 34. Fire in a youth center in Guatemala. San Jose Pinka. AP. 34 girls dead. A youth shelter, rapes and intimidation. Boys and girls raped. A mass breakout at hospitals and morgue. Rape slavery trafficking.

20 March 2017 - Riot at Guatemala jail. NZ Herald. 2 people dead and several injured.

29 March 2017 - al Jazeera. Guatemala's disappeared. Thousands of people missing during the civil war. Mass murder, torture, 45,000 forcibly disappeared. 36 year conflict 200,000 people killed. Peace signed in 1996.

22 June 2017 - G+. Strong 6.8 earthquake. Near the coast of Guatemala. USGS. Volcano

Sunday, July 30, 2017

List of international adoption scandals - Wikipedia

List of international adoption scandals - Wikipedia

Guatemala Children Stolen for Illegal Adoption, Organ Trafficking

Guatemala Children Stolen for Illegal Adoption, Organ Trafficking

Child trafficking and intercountry adoption in Romania’s post-communist years | Liberty & Humanity

Child trafficking and intercountry adoption in Romania’s post-communist years | Liberty & Humanity

Kiwi firm investigated after plane ends up in North Korea |

Kiwi firm investigated after plane ends up in North Korea |

Child Laundering Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.

Child Laundering Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.

Compassion For Orphans

Compassion For Orphans

Sold for £20: just two of India's million stolen children | World news | The Guardian

Sold for £20: just two of India's million stolen children | World news | The Guardian

Russia: A resurgent superpower? | Russia | Al Jazeera

Russia: A resurgent superpower? | Russia | Al Jazeera

Child Identity Theft | Robert Siciliano

Child Identity Theft | Robert Siciliano

Baby-snatching for illegal adoption hits the headlines in ...

Baby-snatching for illegal adoption hits the headlines in ...

Drugging toddlers becoming big business for Big Pharma with over a million kids under 5 on brain-damaging psych meds -

Drugging toddlers becoming big business for Big Pharma with over a million kids under 5 on brain-damaging psych meds -

Kidnapped and Sold: Inside the Dark World of Child Trafficking in China - The Atlantic

Kidnapped and Sold: Inside the Dark World of Child Trafficking in China - The Atlantic

Kidnapped and Sold: Inside the Dark World of Child Trafficking in China - The Atlantic

Kidnapped and Sold: Inside the Dark World of Child Trafficking in China - The Atlantic

Acting principal and child protection officer admits grooming boy - Liverpool Echo

Acting principal and child protection officer admits grooming boy - Liverpool Echo

Cops given the power to probe child porn, sexual grooming - Nation | The Star Online

Cops given the power to probe child porn, sexual grooming - Nation | The Star Online

Hundreds Report Justin Bieber Shape-Shifted Into a Giant Lizard in Public

Hundreds Report Justin Bieber Shape-Shifted Into a Giant Lizard in Public

Hundreds Report Justin Bieber Shape-Shifted Into a Giant Lizard in Public

Hundreds Report Justin Bieber Shape-Shifted Into a Giant Lizard in Public

Premier League youth players targeted by Snapchat groomers posing as agents | Football | The Guardian

Premier League youth players targeted by Snapchat groomers posing as agents | Football | The Guardian

Everton footballers 'targeted by paedophiles on Snapchat posing as talent scouts and agents' | The Independent

Everton footballers 'targeted by paedophiles on Snapchat posing as talent scouts and agents' | The Independent

Police attending seven meth crimes a day | Newshub

Police attending seven meth crimes a day | Newshub

Spies Who Transferred Nukes To North Korea Discovered » Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Spies Who Transferred Nukes To North Korea Discovered » Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

July 2017: Adoption, child porn and ID theft

July 2017: Adoption, child porn and ID theft

Adoption, child porn and ID theft

Adoption, child porn and ID theft

My life and my name. My rented home, me and my cat. Fictional characters (Facebook),  created by enemies, using my name. Sinister, fraud and could be used as an excuse to punish me.
Questions need to be asked. New Zealand adoptions in the 1960s. Wars that never ended, world war two. Targeted families. Targeted family names. People who work in government departments, lies and slander. Human rights. Privacy issues.

Lawsuit Against CIA Psychologists Who Compared Themselves To Nazi Gas Manufacturer Headed To Trial | Gizmodo Australia

Lawsuit Against CIA Psychologists Who Compared Themselves To Nazi Gas Manufacturer Headed To Trial | Gizmodo Australia

Treasure Iceland: Long-Lost Nazi Gold Found in Shipwreck Near Nordic Country - Sputnik International

Treasure Iceland: Long-Lost Nazi Gold Found in Shipwreck Near Nordic Country - Sputnik International

July 2017: My life and my name

July 2017: My life and my name

My life and my name

My life and my name.

Human rights should be for everyone. Saying a person thinks she is a human being. We dont recognize her as a human being. She's just a wanna be human being. We consent on your behalf because we know you are far too unwilling to consent for yourself.
Its my life and my name. ID theft or rape slavery denies you these basic human rights. My rented home with my family which consists of me and my cat. Threats to kidnap, traffick and torture you is a crime. Lies and slander is not an excuse. No means no. It should be my choice, not the choice of some rogue government workers. Hate crimes, religion, politics or occupation. An opinion which should not be brutally enforced against your will.
The bottom line is. No way will anyone kidnap, traffick, torture, forced marriage or rape slave me ever again. Unfortunately those who did these things to me before are at large and work for  the New Zealand government. Sadism disorder is serious. So is compulsive lying. Question abuse of power. These people are paranoid about getting fired or charged for their crimes. They cover it up by dehumanizing the victim, lying and slandering the victims.
Brute do or die force is seriously bad. Then lying to say that its your choice? The only choice is to stay alive. Being a victim, being alive and being brutaly forced against your will. Once you get the right to say no, thats what you will do. No one should be surprised. Being a victim of a horrific crime is not a job or work.
Falsely accusing someone of being crazy when they are not. Falsely accusing people of being into gangs when they are not. Two examples of nasty ways these creeps try and avoid prosecution for their horrific crimes. Abuse of power. Bullying. Trying to turn others against you. Never asking, never letting you speak for yourself. The truth is important. Common sense and the obvious is important too. These lies are sadistic and very cruel.
Those in power who are not accountable for their crimes are dangerous. The damage and suffering they can cause is substantial. Manipulation of the system.
Its my life and my name and I want to get on with it. Privacy, human rights and freedom. I read, write and research books and blogs. I want to stay in my home with my cat long term. I have been qualified as a journalist since the 1990s. I am not crazy at all. I am not willing at all. No means no.

Paedophile priest's pic taken down at Dunedin's Kavanagh College - NZ Herald

Paedophile priest's pic taken down at Dunedin's Kavanagh College - NZ Herald

'Sadistic and malicious': Horrifying footage emerges of police tasering restrained teen - NZ Herald

'Sadistic and malicious': Horrifying footage emerges of police tasering restrained teen - NZ Herald

At least FIVE are killed, THREE critically injured on NZ roads so far today! « Zombie Democracy – Apartheid Fort NZ

At least FIVE are killed, THREE critically injured on NZ roads so far today! « Zombie Democracy – Apartheid Fort NZ

Putin: 755 US diplomats to depart Russia, time to show we won’t leave anything unanswered — RT News

Putin: 755 US diplomats to depart Russia, time to show we won’t leave anything unanswered — RT News

Laws are for everyone

Laws are for everyone

New Zealand laws should be for everyone, not just for everyone except for rogue government workers. They should not be above the law. Crimes like kidnapping, trafficking, torture, slavery, id theft, attempted murder, forced marriage and threatening to do these crimes again.

Rogue government worker are guilty of these crimes. They just lie and slander, blame the victims, punish the victims and think they can get away with their crimes. They should be fired and charged like everyone else. Victims human rights and freedoms should not be removed. Solve your own attempted murder, rape slavery, torture, trafficking, forced marriage and threats to do these things again. They should have been fired and charged a long time ago. Why are they above the law and immune from prosecution?

The call is for these laws in New Zealand to apply to everyone. Their 'motive' for these crimes is sadism disorder and compulsive lying. No vetting, never get fired from a government job. Why not? Thats not justice, human rights or freedom. Its totally unacceptable. Questions need to be asked and laws need to be enforced for everyone.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

(151) Conspiracy Of Silence - YouTube

(151) Conspiracy Of Silence - YouTube

US Admiral Says He’s Ready to Launch Nuclear Strike Against China

US Admiral Says He’s Ready to Launch Nuclear Strike Against China

The dots between Imran Awan, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Seth Rich begin to connect

The dots between Imran Awan, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Seth Rich begin to connect

The Pedophocracy -- Puppet Masters --

The Pedophocracy -- Puppet Masters --

list of police/legal abuses, | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

list of police/legal abuses, | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

Child sexual abuse MK ULTRA and mind control | Awakening? Start Here

Child sexual abuse MK ULTRA and mind control | Awakening? Start Here

Satanism and Ritual Abuse Archive — End Ritual Abuse

Satanism and Ritual Abuse Archive — End Ritual Abuse

Andrew Picard/Boeckman and the VIP paedophile connection - London Taxi Trade

Andrew Picard/Boeckman and the VIP paedophile connection - London Taxi Trade

(149) Beyond Rotherham The sheer scale of child sexual abuse in the UK - YouTube

(149) Beyond Rotherham The sheer scale of child sexual abuse in the UK - YouTube

(149) Pedophile Island and the Lolita Express Exposed - YouTube

(149) Pedophile Island and the Lolita Express Exposed - YouTube

More arrests expected in paedophile ring case which has snared Peter Scully | Daily Mail Online

More arrests expected in paedophile ring case which has snared Peter Scully | Daily Mail Online

National Archives release new documents from JFK file | Daily Mail Online

National Archives release new documents from JFK file | Daily Mail Online

Appalachian Unsolved: Kentucky Jane Doe found in refrigerator still nameless after 32 years |

Appalachian Unsolved: Kentucky Jane Doe found in refrigerator still nameless after 32 years |

Sanctions retaliation: Russia tells US to cut embassy staff, stop using storage facilities — RT News

Sanctions retaliation: Russia tells US to cut embassy staff, stop using storage facilities — RT News

Trump Confirms He Will Sign Russia Sanctions Bill

Trump Confirms He Will Sign Russia Sanctions Bill

5 Stockpile Foods You Should Buy Every Time You Grocery Shop | Survival

5 Stockpile Foods You Should Buy Every Time You Grocery Shop | Survival

German minister warns of trade war between EU and US over Russia sanctions

German minister warns of trade war between EU and US over Russia sanctions

Twins' mom dies days after their birth and their dad slain

Twins' mom dies days after their birth and their dad slain

TRUTH BOMBS ARE DEVASTATING THE DEEP STATE — BILL HOLTER « SGTreport – The Corporate Propaganda Antidote – Silver, Gold, Truth, Liberty, & Freedom

TRUTH BOMBS ARE DEVASTATING THE DEEP STATE — BILL HOLTER « SGTreport – The Corporate Propaganda Antidote – Silver, Gold, Truth, Liberty, & Freedom

Finally, GOP ready to go on OFFENSE to protect Trump from Deep State attacks in calling for new probes into Comey, Lynch

Finally, GOP ready to go on OFFENSE to protect Trump from Deep State attacks in calling for new probes into Comey, Lynch

(149) ��PEDOGATE: Time To Crush Pro-Pedo Trolls!! - YouTube

(149) ��PEDOGATE: Time To Crush Pro-Pedo Trolls!! - YouTube

Russia to Strike Hard in Response to US Sanctions

Russia to Strike Hard in Response to US Sanctions

(149) An Exclusive Interview with Mr. Julian Assange - YouTube

(149) An Exclusive Interview with Mr. Julian Assange - YouTube

(149) White House Chef Found Dead With Note To Call Larry Nichols - YouTube

(149) White House Chef Found Dead With Note To Call Larry Nichols - YouTube

Saturday Live Stream: Geopolitical Standoff in the Middle East and Asia-Pacific. Start: 20:00 CEST

Saturday Live Stream: Geopolitical Standoff in the Middle East and Asia-Pacific. Start: 20:00 CEST

Armageddon Is Two and One-half Minutes Away | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Armageddon Is Two and One-half Minutes Away | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Jeff Sessions: Police Are Seizing Billions From Innocents |

Jeff Sessions: Police Are Seizing Billions From Innocents |

PressTV-Trump to sign Russia-Iran sanctions bill: WH

PressTV-Trump to sign Russia-Iran sanctions bill: WH

Moscow, Baghdad Sign Huge Arms Deal

Moscow, Baghdad Sign Huge Arms Deal

(149) David Seaman Triple Exposed! LIVE �� - YouTube

(149) David Seaman Triple Exposed! LIVE �� - YouTube

PressTV-Iran’s IRGC reports new provocation by US warships

PressTV-Iran’s IRGC reports new provocation by US warships

200 Anti-Trafficking Advocates Vow to Intensify Fight against Human Trafficking in Philippines, South-East Asia | HUMAN WRONGS WATCH

200 Anti-Trafficking Advocates Vow to Intensify Fight against Human Trafficking in Philippines, South-East Asia | HUMAN WRONGS WATCH

Mexican woman says she was stolen as a baby in Spain |

Mexican woman says she was stolen as a baby in Spain |

What Is Child Identity Theft?

What Is Child Identity Theft?

America's Warmongers Are Getting Desperate

America's Warmongers Are Getting Desperate

Mistaken identity, identity theft and problems of remote authentication in e-commerce - ScienceDirect

Mistaken identity, identity theft and problems of remote authentication in e-commerce - ScienceDirect

‘We told you so’: EU reaps bitter harvest of siding with US in sanctions row – Russia’s UN envoy — RT News

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New Zealand 1980s research

NZ 1980s

1980 – NZ Herald journalist Pat Booth book the “Mr Asia” file life and death of Marty Johnston published in 1980.

1980 – Plenty of evidence of corruption. Auckland police at the airport, the CIB was working with Mr Asia. (NZ police coveups and copouts. (c)1998 Tom Lewis).

1980s – NZ athletes sports team Olympic visit to Moscow Russia  in the 1980s. (By a person or person unknown. George Joseph ©1982 NZ).

1980 – GJ Chapple. Rewi Alley in China. Hodder Stoughton. Auckland NZ.

1980 – Petticoat pioneers, South Island women of the colonial era, book 3 Barbara Harper ISBN 0-589-01310-6 Reed publishers.

1980 – David C Martin. Wilderness of mirrors. New York. Harper Row.

1980 – John Mark Bidois was killed in Welcome bay in a gang fight. (Tauranga murders in history. 23 Sept 2014. Sun Live).

1980 – Alicia O'Reilly aged 6 in Auckland. Raped and murdered in her bed. Unsolved NZ murders Facebook

1980-83 – June 1980 Terry Clark and Alison Dine, the police wanted info detrimental to a NZ lawyer. 7 July 1980 there were errors in Alison Dine’s testimony. 19 April 1982 an inquiry regarding $20,000 from Clark on 18 June 1982 two detectives said Peter Williams was implicated in drugs with Clark on 6 June 1983. (Peter Williams QC ©1997 NZ).

1980-2006 - May 2006 Wellington. Bob Walker who died 2 years later. Key date of death of Crewes, time misleading. Dr Martyn Findlay. 8 July 1980 Ross Meurant. Auckland Brian Wilkinson, his first homocide investigation. The cartridge was a plant. 8 July 1980 Ross Meurant. (All the commissioners men. Chris Birt 2012).

24 Jan 1980 – The NZ government expelled the Soviet ambassador Vsevolod Sofinski for handing money to the SUP. Socialists. He had arrived in March 1979.  In the Daily Telegraph UK on 29 August 1979 said Sofinski was identified as KGB. (NZ and the Soviet Union. AL Wilson ©2004).

24 Jan 1980 – Soviet ambassador expelled. NZ history online. Giving money to the pro Soviet Socialist unity party $10,000 to SUP.

24 Jan 1980 – Russian Vsevolod Sofinsky was expelled from NZ. $10,000 to the Socialist unity party. NZ Soviet trade increased after 1980. (Spies revolutionaries. Graeme Hunt (c)2077 NZ).

25 Jan 1980 – NZ expels the Soviet ambassador. Ian Templeton. The Guardian UK.

31 Jan 1980 – Trixie changed her name to Teresa Page. She drove her Vauxhall viva into a power pole near north Auckland. Coroner. Anna Hoffman. (The Bassett road machine gun murders. Scott Bainbridge (c)2013 NZ).

9 Feb 1980 – NZ wants Russia to keep out of our affairs. Ian Templeton. The Guardian  UK.

27 Feb 1980 – The Soviet ambassador to NZ, Vsevolod Sofinsky, was declared persona non grata and ordered to leave NZ within 72 hours. For giving $10,000 to the Socialist unity party. The money changed hands in a NZ hotel and was detected by the SIS as part of routine surveillance of Soviet embassy staff. Full diplomatic relations were re-established 4 years later. (On this day in NZ. ©2010 Ron Palenski).

4 April 1980 – Simon Paulus Buis aged 54. Mount Eden Auckland. Beaten to death. Unsolved NZ murders. Facebook.

21 May 1980 - Thomas Royal commission. Bob Walton was police commisioner. (All the commissioners men. Chris Birt (c)2012 NZ).

8 July 1980 - Evidence of detectives Les Higgins and Ross Meurant. Bruce Hutton. Hounded by police, questions trying to discredit and harrass. Australian judge Robert Lindsay Taylor. (All the commissioners men. Chris Birt (c)2012 NZ).

8 July 1980 - Another Thomas case run by the police. On 8 July 1980 the commissioner halted the proceders after hearing evidence of detective Les Higgins and before that of Detective Ross Meurant. July 1980. The Royal Commissioners police were at prisons questioning prisoners about Arthur Alan Thomas and the Crewe murders. Judge Taylor police commissioner Bob Walton. Hounded by police and discredited, harrass Mr Thomas, Hutton, Jeffries and the police union. (All the commissioners men. Chris Birt 2012).

27 July 1980 – Randall Caulder Bree was born in Auckland. Son of Sonya Fay McKenzie. Also son of Charles Caulder Bree, Auckland. Sonya was not allowed a lawyer.

1 September 1980 – Marion Granville was due to appear in court on drugs charges. She did not turn up. A drug syndicate. She was never seen again. Mr Asia links NZ. (Still missing. Scott Bainbridge ©2008 NZ).

24 Sept 1980 - Thomas counsel Kevin Ryan. Hutton, Jefferies and the police union. Royal commission 1980. 24 Sept 1980 The Thomas Royal commission ended. Hearings. An inquisition into the actions of the NZ police. Exposing injustice. Manufacturd evidence. 28 Nov 1980 newspaper articles. Discredit Thomas, police tactics and use of jailed manipulated prisioners. Police harrassment. The witness had been in a mental prison from 1969 to 1974 then sent to jail, bizarre. (All the commissoners men. Chris Birt 2012).

28 Nov 1980 - 28 Sept 1980 Sunday News. Article, Truck driver and prisoner. Police union, 12 Nov 1980. Police treason. PM Rob Muldoon. Poice union 28 Nov 1987. Governor George Grey Oct 1846. (All the commissioners men. Chris Birt 2012).

4 Dec 1980 - The Arthur Allan Thomas case. The Nation.

1981 – The police used  violence against protesters opposing NZ support for the US, during the Vietnam war. 1981 Springbok tour of NZ, protesters opposing apartheid were  beaten by police. (Peter Williams QC ©1997 NZ).

1981 – Richard Hall. Greed. The Mr Asia connection. Sydney. Pan books.

1981 – Sydney. An NZ police officer and the NZ police. An Australian police officer named Mr Pickering  and evidence at Terry Clarks trail. (Justice. Kevin Ryan ©1997 NZ).

1981 – GRV Barratt. Russo phobia in NZ 1838-1908. Dunmore press Palmerston north.

1981 - Mervyn Dyke. Skies Lower Hutt NZ.

1981 – The Queen's Royal visit. Prince Charles. Dunedin CIS and the Southern Cross hotel in Dunedin. (NZ police coverups and copouts. (c)1998 Tom Lewis).

1981-82 – From 10 to 14 Oct 1981 the CIB in Dunedin and the SIS. An armed robbery at a Post office $10,000 cash was stolen, and a shot was fired. Andersons bay post office in Dunedin. Bayfield high school where Christopher John Lewis got a plea bargain. Feb 1982 robbery charges. 1982 Lewis escaped. Then he was re captured. Borstall at 17 years old,  then he was put in Lake Alice mental prison. (NZ police coverups and copouts. (c)1998 Tom Lewis).

1981-87 – Christopher John Lewis 9 May 1987. Fred Tullet was a journalist at the Dominion in Welllington. Prisoner on the run to the west coast. Bank robbery in Christchurch, crashed a stolen car. Chris Bishop article Sunday Times 10 may 1987. NZ PM was David Lange. Chch Star 12 may 1987. OD 29 Oct 1981. A british Royal visit to Dunedin and an incident. (NZ police coverups and copouts. (c)1998 Tom Lewis).

1981-90 – 28 Oct 1981 TVNZ. ODT Christopher John Lewis was in jail. 23 Oct 1981. ODT 14 May 1987 The British Royal tour incident in Dunedin. 29 Oct 1981 ODT. 1987 Lewis escaped from Lake Alice. Dunedin visit of Charles and Diana British Royals. 1987 Christopher John Lewis in jail for armed robbery. (NZ police coverups and copouts. (c)1998 Tom Lewis).

23 Jan 1981 - 19 Oct 1970. Crewe inquiry. By 1980 Bob Walton was commissioner of police. Detective Johnson died two years earlier. Auckland police Gideon Tait was going to resign from the national party. On 21 Dec 1981 solicitor general Paul Neazor report 17 pages. Stan Keith clerk of the Crewe inquiry who kept the homocide file. The 1970s and 80s until 2010. A police officer. Police union Bob Moodie on 23 Jan 1981 head of all 18 police unions. (All the commissioners men. Chris Birt 2012).

12 Sept 1981 – Springbok tour protests. Onslow near Eden park Auckland. (Spies revolutionaries. Graeme Hunt (c)2007 NZ).

Oct 1981 – Andersons bay Dunedin, Catholic primary school. Three armed men in military uniforms robbed a post office bank. Christopher John Lewis and three 17 year olds. (NZ police coverups and copouts. (c)1998 Tom Lewis).

14 Oct 1981 – Dunedin mayor Skeggs and the British Royal visit to Dunedin of the Queen. Christopher John Lewis age 17 tried to assasinate the Queen. A cover up. He was also a suspect in the murder of Tania Furlan in Auckland. Police cover ups in 1981. The Dunedin child sex scandal in 1984. Corruption. (NZ police coverups and copouts. (c)1998 Tom Lewis).

25 Oct 1981 – A large group of Soviet tourists  visited NZ between 25 Oct and 1 Nov 1981. Three of them were known to have KGB connections. (NZ and the Soviet Union. AL Wilson ©2004).

1982 – New Years eve.  I was violently raped. I was working at the DB Onerahi hotel in Whangarei. I was taken and raped by a group of men, who I did not know. Lucky to be alive. It was reported in the police, but the police did nothing. I was harrassed so badly I was forced to leave Whangarei and move to Christchurch, where I was raped again.  Questions need to be asked.

1982 – By a person or persons unknown. Unsolved murders in NZ. George Joseph. Methuen NZ. The law book company Sydney.  George Joseph was born in Glasgow Scotland, he  migrated to NZ aged 3, then later too. Author of at least 28 books. ISBN 0-456-03200-2.

1982 – Sydney Morning Herald 20 Aug 1992. Stephen Lunn in 1982 worked for Challenge corporate services, a subsidiary of Fletcher Challenge. Investment banking. Lunn and a company called Securitibank in 1976, which collapsed a few months later. Michael Fay and David Richwhite. Securitibank employed Rod Petricevic and John Pani. (The paradise conspiracy. Ian Wishart (c)1995 NZ). (26 Aug 2015 Rod Petricevic has just been paroled from jail, halfway through his sentence).

1982 – Detective Fredsham of the NSW police. Australian Stewart Royal commission drug dealing. John McLay in NZ. Money for the Brummell and Clark defence came from Peter Fulcher, in prison in Australia. Law becomes a tool of government control. Donald Gerald Stewart was a gambling journalist and a  NSW policeman. (Justice. Kevin Ryan ©1997 NZ)

1982 – 17-19 Ring terrace Auckland was a brothel for sex slavery. Flora McKenzie who owned and ran the brothel, died in 1982. (Justice Kevin Ryan ©1997 NZ).

1982 – Alfred Anderson.. Christchurch. Unsolved NZ murders. Facebook.

1982-1996 – Nov 1995 Radio Pacific Christopher John Lewis. The high court in Dunedin 1982 charged over an incident involving the British Queen. Lawyer J Murray Hanan. The Port Hills in Christchurch 1987. Bank robbery in Christchurch, crashed a car in the area. Port Hills. Lewis then went to the west coast then to Auckland 1996. Theft of a passport in Auckland, suspect in a murder Aug 1996. Tania Furlan in Howick Auckland. (NZ police coverups and copouts. (c1)998 Tom Lewis).

8 February 1982 – Sonya Fay McKenzie's 20th birthday.

4 June 1982 – Alfred Anderson age 64, throat cut, severe beating, at his Waltham flat after returning from the movies. Unsolved murder. (Nine unsolved murders in Canterbury. The Press. 30 March 2012).

5 June 1982 – Unsolved murder. Alfred Anderson. Hastings street apartment Christchurch. He was a retired railway worker and he had his throat cut and beaten.  It could have been a Muslim….

12 July 1982 – Poverty, homelessness hit NZ. The Irish Times  Dublin Ireland.

1983 – Wikipedia. List of people who disappeared mysteriously. Kirsa Jensen age 14. Riding her horse on the beach in Napier.

1983 – Disappearance of Kirsa Jansen. Took her dog  for a walk. Her dog was found. Kirsa was kidnapped. Body never found. (A sense of murder. Unsolved NZ. Tony Williams (c)2000).

1983-84 – Feb 1983 Ron Jorgensen paroile live in Kaikoura in a caravan. Bob Jones meetings joined the party. 19 Dec 1984 Ron Jorgensen orange Cortina found in Kahatara river bottom of 20 metre cliff south of Kaikoura. Keys were in the ignition. No bodies in the car. Ron Jorgensen went missing. (The Bassett road machine gun murders. Scot Bainbridge (c)2013 NZ.)

3 Feb 1983 – Ron Jorgenson and Peter Williams, given parole. (Peter Williams QC ©1997 NZ).

June 1983 to Nov 1993 - Peter Ellis children. Peter Hugh McGregor Ellis was born on 30 March 1958. Christchurch child care worker. June 1983. 16 counts of child sex abuse. US hypnotist was in Christchurch, ten years later, in Nov 1993 Pamela Hudson. SRA Satanic ritual abuse. Incidents in cemeteries and at the Park Royal hotel.

July 1983 – Aug 1983 Hawaii company Bishop Baldwin collapsed,  a CIA proprietary. Missing cash went into 100 bank accounts in south America, Spain, the Cayman islands, Cook islands on CIA business. Bishop Baldwin had a NZ office in Auckland in July 1983 a month before the collapse of the parent company. Iran Contra, the CIA in the Cook islands, the Cook islands trust corp. (The paradise conspiracy. Ian Wishart (c)1995 NZ).

31 July 1983 – Sunday news article. Terry Clark after Clark was jailed in the UK. (Peter Williams QC ©1997 NZ)

2 August 1983 – Doreen Gayle Meggitt. Missing person Waitara North island. Born 18 Feb 1953. (NZ police missing person).

2 Aug 1983 - Stuff. Taranaki cold case. Missing age 30 Doreen Meggitt. Deena Coster. Son Lyell Meggitt was age 3 when his mother went missing. Waitara bridge tavern last seen, park bench river.

1 September 1983 – Kirsa Mary Jensen 14 years old in Napier. She never returned home and was never seen again. A mystery unsolved to this day.

1 Sept 1983 – Kirsa Jensen. 14 years old. Napier missing. Unsolved NZ murders. Facebook.

1984 – A history of Otago. Erik Olssen. John MaIndoe publishers ©1984 ISBN 0-86868-058-3.

1984 – Anne Bromell. Family history research in NZ. NZSG Auckland 1984 rev ed 1985.

1984 – Mr Asia. New Zealander Darryl Leigh Sorby was convicted, $10 million of heroin. 10 years jail. (Smack express. Clive Small ©2010 Australia).

1984 – The Dunedin sex ring scandal of 1984. Commission of enquiry and petitions. (NZ police coverups and copouts. (c)1998 NZ Tom Lewis).

1984 – The convention against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment. The New Zealand gvernment ignore this.(International human rights law. Oxford UK ©2014).

1984-85 – Ken Thomson and police involvement in a child sex ring in Dunedin, cover ups. (NZ police coverups and copouts. (c)1998 Tom Lewis).

1984-86 – Christopher John Lewis, the SIS said he was a terrorist. He was put in Lake Alice mental prison. 18 months later he was released. In 1984 he was put in  Cherry farm mental prison in Dunedin. Doctor Faed, a woman and Lewis in Dunedin. Jail on burglary charges in 1986. (NZ police coverups and copouts. (c)1998 Tom Lewis).

1984-87 – 18 Dec 1984 a yacht moored off the Kaikoura coast, went to Australia, a new identity. Sightings in Perth. Ron Jorgensen. 1987. John Gillies was released in 1987 new identity in Wellington, a bedsit in Lower Hutt. (The Bassett road machine gun murders. Scott Bainbridge (c)2013 NZ).

March 1984 – Archie Banks, father of John Banks, once police minister and Auckland Mayor. Archie Banks was a chemist and was in and out of jail. Archie Banks died in March 1984. He was in jail with Arthur Allan Thomas. (Arthur Allan Thomas. Crewe murders. Ian Wishart (c)2010 NZ).

24 March 1984 – In Wellington a huge blast rocked the central city, buildings in Vivian street shook. The Wellington Trades hall offices bombing. Unionist Ernie Abbott was killed. Over 20 years later its still unsolved. (NZ mysteries. Nicola McCloy ©2005 NZ).

27 March 1984 – A bomb in a suitcase exploded at a Wellington Trade union hall in the central city. The building cleaner Ernie Abbot was killed. No one has ever been charged. (On this day in NZ. Ron Palenski ©2010).

27 March 1984 – The Trades hall bombing. Vivian street Wellington. Dominion Post. Andrea O'Neil. 1 Aug 2015. Ernie Abbott died. Unsolved murder bombing.

28 March 1984 – The NZ Herald covered the Wellington union Trades Hall bombing. 28-31 March 1984.

31 May 1984 – Yorrick Boxton missing person, from Diamond Harbour Canterbury.

6 Oct 1984 – NZ protests at French nuclear test plan. Ian Templeton. The Guardian. London UK.

Dec 1984 – Ron Jorgenson disappeared from his Kaioura home. Some say his is still alive and living in Australia. (Peter Williams QC ©1997 NZ).

December 1984 – Ronald Jorgensen 1932-84. Jorgensen’s orange Cortina was found at the bottom of a cliff just south of Kaikoura, partly submerged in the Kahutara river. The doors were smashed shut and the drivers seat was caved in, but there was no body inside. Christmas cards from Western Australia. Several other sightings, but for legal purposes he was declared dead in 1998. (Law breakers mischief. ©2009 Bronwyn Sell).

17 Dec 1984 – Ron Jorgenson's cortina was found at the bottom of a cliff near Kaikora. Disappeared. Bill Mason said later saw him in Perth Australia. (NZ police coverups and copouts. (c)1998 Tom Lewis).

19 Dec 1984 – Ron Jorgenson’s car was found wrecked on rocks south of Kaikoura, down a 20 meter cliff. Ron Jorgenson was never found, alive or dead. (NZ mysteries. Nicole McCloy ©2005 NZ).

1985 – The US cut off the intel flow to NZ. NZ was one of the second party members of UKUSA. David Lange Labour govt nuclear free zone NZ. (GCHQ. Richard J Aldrich ©2010 UK).

1985 – Peter Fulcher was an enforcer for drug boss Terry Clark and the heroin trade. Fulcher was sentenced to 14 years in Paremoremo prison in the 1980s on drugs charges. In the mid 1970s with a baseball bat and pistol, Fulcher collected drug debts of up to $100,000. (NZ Herald. Lynley Bilby 21 July 2013 Mr Asia ally dies peacefully at 72).

1985 – John Kennedy and the Tablet. Sex assaults on females by high ranking police, Gideon Tait and Ken Thompson. Police culture. From Queensland police commissioner Terence Lewis. 14 years jail for corruption in 1998. (NZ police coverups and copouts. (c)1998 Tom Lewis).

1985 – The story of NZ. Rev ed. Judith Bassett. Keith Sinclair. Marcia Strenson. Reed books ©1985 ISBN 0-7900-0644-8.

1985 - Greenpeace Rainbow Warrior by French agents of DGSE. Auckland NZ. Explosion, French nuclear weapons tests in the Pacific. French Defence minister Charle Hemu Reward. (House of spies. Peter Matthews 2016).

1985-86 – David Wayne Tamihere was 47 years old. An Auckland woman was raped in her home. He escaped to the Coromandel bush. Using the new identity of Pat Kelly. A 1985 home invasion and rape of a 62 year old Avondale woman. (Missing pieces. Swedish tourist murders. Ian Wishart (c)2012 NZ).

4 Feb 1985 – NZ’s Labour govt refused entry to the American ship the USS Buchanan. Anti nuclear protest. (Chch Star NZ. Today in history 4 Feb 2015).

16 Feb 1985 – A Cranston. US signals intel to NZ blocked. Janes Defence weekly 3.

4 May 1985 – Judith Rosena Withell married Douglas John Pryor in Christchurch

4 May 1985 – Gerry Wilby went to Australia 15 Dec 1963. In March 1985 72 year old Wilby was living in Wellington. 3 May 1985 Wilby Wynyard warf Auckland a body found upside down head under water, noose and rope. Gerald Wilby died murdered. (The Bassett road machine gun murders. Scott Bainbridge (c)2013 NZ).

July 1985 – Greenpeace ship the rainbow warrior was sunk in Auckland harbour by the French secret service, killing one of its crew. (GCHQ. Richard J Aldrich ©2010 UK).

10 July 1985 – French in Auckland, bombing and killing a member of the crew of the Rainbow Warrior. (Peter Williams QC ©1997 NZ)

10 July 1985 – French DGSE spies exploded bombs on the hull of the Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior at  . Marsden wharf Auckland. Greenpeace photographer, Fernando Pereira was killed. A Portugese born Dutch national. Ten DGSE agents were involved. French nuclear tests at Mururoa atoll in the Pacific. (Spies revolutionaries. Graeme Hunt (c)2007 NZ).

10 July 1985 – In Sept 2006 the French newspaper Le Parisien said that Gerard Royal, borther of Socialist Segolene Royal, was the person who placed the mines that sank the Rainbow Warrior in NZ. (Spies revolutionaries. Graeme Hunt (c)2007 NZ).

11 July 1985 – The Greenpeace Rainbow warrior explosion. Auckland wharf. There were 12 people on board at the time of the blast. A Portugese photographer Fernando Pereiera was killed. French agents Alain and Sophie Turenge. Major Alain Marfart and captain Dominique Prieur. French army French secret service. (NZ mysteries. Nicola McCloy ©2005 NZ).

16 July 1985 – French agents Major Alain Mafart and Dominique Prieur Auckland district court. False passports. French DGSE spies.The High court in Auckland 4 Nov 1985. 22 Nov 1985 sentenced. (Spies revolutionaries. Graeme Hunt (c)2007 NZ).

9 Oct 1985 - Thomas Edward missing 1985 in his 50s. Male Maori. Last seen on 9 Oct 1985. Hostel Ranolf st worked. Daily Post. File Rotorua. 28 July 2012.

1986 – Luana Debora Laverne Williams aged 25 disappeared Gate Pa. Her body has never been found. Legally dead in 1998. (Tauranga murders in history. 23 Sept 2014 Sun Live).

1986 – NZ business NZI bank corp brought out Ariadne's stake in Deak. NZI insurance company and bank already had offices worldwide. NZI got Deak's Swiss foreign commerce bank of Zurich. Deak Morgan became part of NZ based. NZI subsidiary Jarden Morgan. (The paradise conspiracy. Ian Wishart (c)1995 NZ).

1986 –  At Mount Owen a giant pre historic birds claw was found. In 1986 New Zealand. Picture on Pinterest.

1986-87 – Oleg Gordievsky a KGB and M15 M16 officer. In Finland too. In NZ in 1986 meeting with David Lange. David Lange expelled Soviet diplomats Segeyevich Budnik as KGB in 1987. Socialist unity party funds and union corruption in NZ. Gordievsky said he was poisoned in the UK with thallium a toxic insectiside. KGB cold war. (Bloodied but not beaten. Rod Vaughan NZ (c)2012).

19 March 1986 – John Holmes Smith, an elderly man,  missing from Kenya street Wellington since 19 March 1986. (missing persons NZ police). (His remains have since been found in 2015).

May 1986 – NZ business NZI bank corp brought out Ariadne's stake in Deak. NZI, an insurance company and bank. The Swiss foreign commerce bank of Zurich. Deak Morgan, part of NZ based NZI subsidiary Jarden Morgan. “Operation polar cap” in the US, cocaine and money laundering. (The paradise conspiracy. Ian Wishart (c)1995 NZ).

5 June 1986 – Luana Williams from Tauranga aged 26, Cook Islander, European, disappeared. She was born in Tauranga in 1960. She met her boyfriend in 1983, he had been working on an oil rig in the Middle east. Luana had been arrested for giving marijuana to an undercover policeman, in 'Operation Kiwifruit'. She got 18 months jail. In 1994 eight years after Luana Williams disappeared. Its still a mystery. (A case of murder. Unsolved NZ. Tony Williams ©2000).

5 June 1986 – Luana Williams missing from Tauranga Bay of Plenty since 5 June 1986. (Missing persons NZ police)

5 June 1986 – Luana Deborah Laverne Williams Tauranga missing. Unsolved NZ murders Facebook.

1 July 1986 – Peter Williams Remuera home was torched. 202 Remuera road. The house burnt down. (Peter Williams QC ©1997 NZ).

11 Aug 1986 – Inquiry deals blow to NZ anti nuclear stand. Ian Templeton. The Guardian. London UK.

18 Oct 1986 - “The Opal file” aka “The Gemstone file” NZ links to the CIA. Ray Cline and the Cook islands. European Pacific bank. Rarotonga 18 Oct 1986 “The Opal file” money laundering through NZ, the Cook islands trust corp. Casinos in the Cook islands. Ray Cline was in NZ in 1986. (The paradise conspiracy. Ian Wishart (c)1995 NZ).

1987 – James Shepherd, second in charge of Mr Asia syndicate was being held at Parklea maximum security prison. (Mr Asia. James Diamond Jim Shepherd ©2010 Australia).

1987 – Missing people Michael Luton a drug dealer and safe breaker. (A sense of murder. Unsovled NZ. Tony Williams (c)2000).

1987 – Soviet diploma KGB resident Sergei Budnik was expelled from NZ. Socialist unity party. (Spies revolutionaries. Graeme Hunt (c)2007 NZ).

1987 – K road and Queen street Auckland. NZ prostitues collective was formed in 1987 for willing sex workers. A union. Ugly mug files. (A sense of murder. Unsolved NZ. Tony Williams. (c)2000).

1987 – Missing person Jeffrey Walker. (A sense of murder. Unsolved NZ. Tony Williams (c)2000).

1987 – Warkworth man missing for 20 years may have been shot. 22 Nov 2013. Andrew Dawson aged 21 went missing in 1987. Radio Live.

1987-1990s - Satanic ritual abuse SRA. 1987 Geraldo Rivera satanist mind control. 1987 SRA children late 1980s. New Zealand. SRA NZ. CERN Satanic human sacrifice. Satanic rituals. 1990s. Ritual abuse hypnosis. Victims worldwide. Company of organised cells, torture, mind control, ritual abuse. Code words. Child porn, rape slavery, satanic cult. Nazi and CIA. Hypnotism.

1987-1993 – European Pacific listed in 1987 on the NZ stock exchange, it was owned by BNZ, Brierleys and Capital markets, Rarotonga and the Cook islands tax havens. European Pacific. Four corners documentary on Fay Richwhite, BNZ in Australia 20 Dec 1993. Peter Travis, Paul Collins, David Lloyd and Julian Miles QC. (The paradise conspiracy. Ian Wishart (c)1995 NZ).

March 1987 – Stella Muriel Hilda Mangan died in Otago Dunedin NZ.

2 March 1987 - Earthquake in Bay of plenty 6.2, it injured 35 people and caused widespread damage, aftershocks lasted several days, it was the most severe quake since Inangahua in 1978 (On this day in NZ. Ron Palenski ©2010).

6 March 1987 – Michael Luton missing person from Auckland since 6 March 1987. (Missing persons NZ police).

April 1987 – The NZ PM and SIS expelled Soviet Counsellor, Sergei Budnik, an officer of the KGB first chief directorate and its rezident in Wellington. (NZ and the Soviet Union. AL Wilson ©2004).

5 June 1987 – NZ bans nuclear arms. The Guardian 1959-2003 London UK.

24 Oct 1987 - Chris Bush was shot dead at the Red Fox tavern in Maramara. Waikato. Robbery at the pub. NZ Herald. 27 July 2017. New info in cold case. Two men entered the pub just before midnight. Took $25,000. Shot Chris Bush dead. Unsolved.

26 Dec 1987 – 38 year old Mauren McKinnel was murdered at her Arrowtown home. 4 days later her body was found on the banks of the Arrow river. DNA tests were done in 2001. Unsolved. NZ DNA databank. Biotech learning hub. 1995. 70,000 DNA profiles in the DNA databank NZ.

1988 – The discovery by a journalist , at Princess Margaret hospital in Christchurch, of secret military tunnels. The homestead burned to the ground and the tunnels were sealed for more than 30 years. More than one tunnel, the Cashmere hills in Christchurch. Secret stairs. Also called the Cracroft caverns. The military tunnels were built from 1942 to 1944, when the threat of invasion from Japan was real. World war two. Later the University of Canterbury used the tunnels as a laboratory of some sort, behind Princess Margaret hospital. (Southern view Chch. 7 Sept 2015 WW2 tunnels may reopen after the Christchurch earthquake. Bridget Rutherford).

1988-94 – Ruth Richardson's meeting on 21 June 1994. 7 Nov 1994 Commission of tax inquiry and offshore. 6 Nov 1992 Cook islands tax credits. 28 Jan 1988 Alex Adamovich and the Cook islands government. (The paradise conspiracy. Ian Wishart (c)1995 NZ).

28 Jan 1988 – Alex Adamovich and the Cook islands government. (The paradise conspiracy. Ian Wishart (c)1995 NZ).

28 April 1988 – 31 year old Janine Law, Auckland sexual attack murder. (A case of murder, unsolved NZ. Tony Williams ©2000).

7 May 1988 – NZ angry over return of French agents. The Irish Times. Dublin Ireland.

31 May 198 - Unsolved murder. 1 July 1989. Martin Reid. Biography of victim. Auckland libraries.

June 1988 – Martin Owen Reid aged 27 Oxford, shot in the head. Unsolved NZ murders. Facebook.

June 1988 – The body of 27 year old Martin Owen Reid was found, white Camaro by the Garry river in Oxford. Shot in the head. Drugs suspected. Unsolved. (Nine unsoved murders in Canterbury. The Press 30 March 2012).

Oct Nov 1988 – The last sightings of Joanne Chatfield was at the uni of Auckland on 19 Nov 1988 she was 17 years old. She went to Mount Roskill to the Government Welfare office (WINZ), on 14 Oct 1988 for the dole. She disappeared. Maybe not in NZ anymore, A suspicious  taxi driver? (A case of murder, unsolved NZ. Tony Williams ©2000).

5 Dec 1988 – The Swedish tourists arrived in New Zealand on 5 Dec 1988. Auckland from Australia, they got a car. (Missing pieces. Swedish tourist murders. Ian Wishart (c)2012 NZ).

1989 – The early part of the Jim Bolger administration. The Berlin wall fell in 1989 and the collapse of the Soviet Union. (The Bolger years. Margaret Clark ©2008 NZ).

1989 – David Wayne Tamihere and the double murders of Swedish tourists Urban Hoglin and Heidi Paakkhonen in 1989. (Arthur Allan Thomas. The inside story. Crewe murders. Ian Wishart (c)2010 NZ).

1989 – Casinos, the report of the committee of inquiry into the establishment of casinos in New Zealand Ministry of tourism book (Worldcat database).

1989 – The SIS bugged TV3 phones. Winebox and the Serious fraud office. European Pacific documents. Documents stolen from European Pacific in 1989. BNZ. Fay Richwhilte, BNZ and Brierley documents in the winebox. Shell company. John Wynyard and John Connell, tax haven. (The paradise conspiracy. Ian Wishart (c)1995 NZ).

1989 – Wairoa police set up road bocks and searched cars. Gunman, two people dead and two inured, all members of the Black Power; The police arrested 17 Mongrel Mob members and charged them with murder. Napier trial. The jury was discharged for siding with the police. The trial moved to Wellington. The Black Power had shot their own members. (Justice. Kevin Ryan (c)1997 NZ).

1989 –  Carol Lee Messenbird aged 26. Tauranga, her body was found dumped at the side of a railway line in England UK, after she had been  missing for a year. (Tauranga murders in history. Sun Live 23 Sept 2014).

1989 – 13 year old Karla Cardno was kidnapped, sex attacked and killed in 1989. The next parole hearing for her jailed killer in is Nov 2017. Radio live. 3 news. Ranjani Ponnuchetty. 14 Jan 2016.

Jan July 1989 – Jan 1989 Len Bayliss and the $100 shell compnaies. BNZ in July 1989. BNZ and pref share deals. Vice pres of Citibank was Brian Perry. (The paradise conspiracy. Ian Wishart (c)1995 NZ).

April May 1989 – Tamihere was arrested in Auckland on 24 May 1989 as a bail jumper. His arrest coincided with an Interpol alert to the police in Wellington the same day, about the missing Swedish touststs  Heidi and Urban on 26 May 1989. NZ Herald. Interpol. Auckland to the Cook islands on 20 April 1989 but they never made the flight. (Missing pieces. Swedish tourist murders. Ian Wishart (c)2012 NZ).

April June 1989 – 2 April 1989 Interpol TV One news. Police officer John Hughes said there were old abandoned mine shafts from the 1870s gold rush days were in the area. The mine shafts were hundreds of metres deep. 2 June 1989 “Operation Stockholm”. (Missing pieces. Swedish tourist murders. Ian Wishart (c)2012 NZ).

8 April 1989 – Murder of Urban Hoglin and Heidi Paakkonen. Wikipedia. Thames, disappeared tramping Coromandel 1989 tourists from Sweden.

8 April 1989 – The disappearance of the two Swedish tourists. Urban Hoglin and Heidi Birgitta Paakkonen. .  Urban Hoglin's body was found in Oct 1991 in the Coromandel bush.. David Tamihere was jailed. “Operation Stockholm”. 8 April 1989. (Missing pieces. Swedish tourist murders. Ian Wishart (c)2012 NZ).

4 June 1989 – Peter Douglas Coop missing person from Dunedin Otago since 4 June 1989. (missing persons NZ police).

July 1989 - 2012. Shell companies. FATF financial action task force was set up in July 1989. Money laundering, drug trafficking. Cold war. OECD HQ in Paris France. GT group and Geoffrey Taylor in New Zealand. ID passport, drivers licence, The real owners of shell companies unknown. (Global shell games. Cambridge uni press 2014).

3 July 1989 - Synopsis of the unsolved Teresa Cormack case. Auckland libraries.

12 July 1989 – Detective John Hughes and David Morris both worked on the Arthur Allan Thomas, Crewe murders case. Heidi's missing backpack turned up in Wellington. The second backpack was recovered from London UK. (Missing pieces. Swedish tourist murders. Ian Wishart. (c)2012 NZ).

Aug 1989 – Missing person Dean Fuller Sandys. (A sense of murder. Unsolved NZ. Tony Williams (c)2000).

26 Aug 1989 – Leah Romany Stephens, sex abuse age 15. Chaplin and Las Vegas strip clubs in Auckland. She went missing. Last seen on 26 Aug 1989 Queen street Auckland. Also seen were five Indian men, kidnapped. Was she taken to India? Her welfare and bank accounts  were untouched. To have had welfare she must have been willing. Yet some women in NZ only do this because their welfare was cut off and they. were prevented from working. If they had welfare they would not be anywhere near the place. Thats the difference. (A sense of murder. Unsoved NZ Tony Williams (c)2000).

8 Sept 1989 – Garth Doull aged 42 was found floating in Wellington harbour. A gambler and drinker. (Dominion Post Wellington. 9 Oct 2007. Unsolved but not forgotten).

16 October 1989 - Reta Irene Gladys Mangan (Pryor) died in Dunedin NZ.

Nov 1989 – Monica Cantwell, a British backpacker, was raped and murdered. Her body was found  three days after being reported missing. (Tauranga murders in history. Sun Live 23 Sept 2014).

New information on Chris Bush shotgun murder cold case comes to light - NZ Herald

New information on Chris Bush shotgun murder cold case comes to light - NZ Herald

Brownlee says GCSB is checking claims that North Koreans accessed internet through NZ - NZ Herald

Brownlee says GCSB is checking claims that North Koreans accessed internet through NZ - NZ Herald

GCSB following up on reports of North Korean cyber 'tunneling' in New Zealand |

GCSB following up on reports of North Korean cyber 'tunneling' in New Zealand |

Revealed: Northland gunman Quinn Patterson's criminal past - including stabbing of police officer Bruce Howat - NZ Herald

Revealed: Northland gunman Quinn Patterson's criminal past - including stabbing of police officer Bruce Howat - NZ Herald



Bent cops. New post. 14 The stalker. Sergeant Gary Patterson. 6 June 2017. Yahoo email.

Quinn Patterson age 55 Northland gunman. Rural Whangarei killed two women. NZ Herald, 27 July 2017. TVNZ.

Radio NZ. 27 July 2017. Louisa Patterson a Queenstown aviator. A black box called the eye in the sky. video. Her business partner Tom McCready, a former air accident investigator. Eric Fryberg. Her son died in a helicopter crash in 2015.

Bill Clinton and James Patterson. Mystery novel to Hollywood. Av club, 26 July 2017. Spielberg, Clooney to adapt Pres book. Hollywood reporter. James Patterson's upcoming children's book. Washington Post. 24 July 2017.

Patterson Heritage museum 4 station Birmingham Kent CT79RD. (Family history monthly. March 2004).

Read the Full Text of Bill Browder's Testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee - The Atlantic

Read the Full Text of Bill Browder's Testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee - The Atlantic

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

JC man will spend 8 years in federal prison for child porn

JC man will spend 8 years in federal prison for child porn

Doctor jailed for ‘extreme’ child porn worked at Dunedin Hospital | Otago Daily Times Online News

Doctor jailed for ‘extreme’ child porn worked at Dunedin Hospital | Otago Daily Times Online News

400,000 child sexual abuse images found by NZ Customs last year - NZ Herald

400,000 child sexual abuse images found by NZ Customs last year - NZ Herald

'Prophet': Trump Has Secretly Arrested Thousands of Pedophiles!

'Prophet': Trump Has Secretly Arrested Thousands of Pedophiles!

'Satanic Taboo Couple' accused of producing child pornography

'Satanic Taboo Couple' accused of producing child pornography

UNSC Refuses to Condemn Terrorist Attack against the Russian Embassy

UNSC Refuses to Condemn Terrorist Attack against the Russian Embassy

"25 MORE SHOCKING ARRESTS": Pastors Charged With Sex Crimes - Horus Gilgamesh | Born-Again Heretic

"25 MORE SHOCKING ARRESTS": Pastors Charged With Sex Crimes - Horus Gilgamesh | Born-Again Heretic

(137) Does Largest Norway P-Ring Bust Have Clinton Connections? - YouTube

(137) Does Largest Norway P-Ring Bust Have Clinton Connections? - YouTube

(137) Missing Johnny. #PizzaGate Related History. Child Trafficking - YouTube

(137) Missing Johnny. #PizzaGate Related History. Child Trafficking - YouTube

(137) PIZZAGATE MYSTERY - Why Did GQ List James Alefantis In TheTop 50 Most Powerful People in Washington - YouTube

(137) PIZZAGATE MYSTERY - Why Did GQ List James Alefantis In TheTop 50 Most Powerful People in Washington - YouTube

(137) "Official Illuminati" DECODED + Enough is Enough Trump Sacrifice & FALSE FLAG WARNING: September 6/7 - YouTube

(137) "Official Illuminati" DECODED + Enough is Enough Trump Sacrifice & FALSE FLAG WARNING: September 6/7 - YouTube

(137) David Icke July 10, 2017 - The TRUTH About PIZZAGATE, MUST SEE! - YouTube

(137) David Icke July 10, 2017 - The TRUTH About PIZZAGATE, MUST SEE! - YouTube

(137) David Icke takes us on a tour of his house on the Isle of Wight - YouTube

(137) David Icke takes us on a tour of his house on the Isle of Wight - YouTube

(137) DAVID ICKE on 2017 & FUTURE FOR HUMANITY - Humanity at a Crossroads, Elite to Forward Agenda? - YouTube

(137) DAVID ICKE on 2017 & FUTURE FOR HUMANITY - Humanity at a Crossroads, Elite to Forward Agenda? - YouTube

Congress Wants A Trade War Worldwide, Tying Trump’s Hands With Sanctions » Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Congress Wants A Trade War Worldwide, Tying Trump’s Hands With Sanctions » Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

(137) "Illuminati Exposed" | The Start of World War III David Icke - YouTube

(137) "Illuminati Exposed" | The Start of World War III David Icke - YouTube

(137) THE ILLUMINATI Best Documentary on Secret Societies: Christopher Everard • David Icke • Anthony Hil - YouTube

(137) THE ILLUMINATI Best Documentary on Secret Societies: Christopher Everard • David Icke • Anthony Hil - YouTube

(137) Child Abuse & Paedophilia By The Elite - YouTube

(137) Child Abuse & Paedophilia By The Elite - YouTube

(137) What Really Happened To Princess Diana - David Icke - YouTube

(137) What Really Happened To Princess Diana - David Icke - YouTube

(137) David Icke: A Memory of Prince - Beyond Normal - YouTube

(137) David Icke: A Memory of Prince - Beyond Normal - YouTube

4 Invaluable lessons from the Great Depression you need to remember –

4 Invaluable lessons from the Great Depression you need to remember –

(137) Expert Reveals Tampering in JFK Assassination Photos - YouTube

(137) Expert Reveals Tampering in JFK Assassination Photos - YouTube

(137) Top Expert: Trump Behind Takedown Of Global Vatican Pedophile Network - YouTube

(137) Top Expert: Trump Behind Takedown Of Global Vatican Pedophile Network - YouTube

(137) BREAKING: Pope's Pedophile Network Imploding As His Top Aide Is Indicted For Child Rape - YouTube

(137) BREAKING: Pope's Pedophile Network Imploding As His Top Aide Is Indicted For Child Rape - YouTube

(137) It's Happening! Trump going to the heart of the Elite Pedophile Network The Vatican - YouTube

(137) It's Happening! Trump going to the heart of the Elite Pedophile Network The Vatican - YouTube

(137) DISTURBING Documentary - Pizzagate Roots Elite Pedophile '1981' Leaked MUST SEE!! - YouTube

(137) DISTURBING Documentary - Pizzagate Roots Elite Pedophile '1981' Leaked MUST SEE!! - YouTube

(137) Paedophile Will Heume sentenced to 10 years in jail - YouTube

(137) Paedophile Will Heume sentenced to 10 years in jail - YouTube

‘Naming them is justice’: Poland publishes fullest-ever list of SS personnel at Auschwitz — RT News

‘Naming them is justice’: Poland publishes fullest-ever list of SS personnel at Auschwitz — RT News

Major Bitcoin trading site in limbo as Greece arrests Russian man on US charges of laundering $4bn — RT News

Major Bitcoin trading site in limbo as Greece arrests Russian man on US charges of laundering $4bn — RT News

(137) No Jail For Serial Rapist Doctor - YouTube

(137) No Jail For Serial Rapist Doctor - YouTube

(137) Ron Paul "We As Americans Should Really Question WHO THE ENEMIES ARE!" (23:55) - YouTube

(137) Ron Paul "We As Americans Should Really Question WHO THE ENEMIES ARE!" (23:55) - YouTube

(137) Linkin Park - Chester Bennington Illuminati Blood Sacrifice? Lulz - YouTube

(137) Linkin Park - Chester Bennington Illuminati Blood Sacrifice? Lulz - YouTube

PressTV-France: US bans on Iran, Russia illegal

PressTV-France: US bans on Iran, Russia illegal

US Nukes in Turkey Not Secure, Former US Defense Officials Say - Sputnik International

US Nukes in Turkey Not Secure, Former US Defense Officials Say - Sputnik International

US Sanctions Venezuelan Officials, Warns of Economic Penalties - Treasury Dept. - Sputnik International

US Sanctions Venezuelan Officials, Warns of Economic Penalties - Treasury Dept. - Sputnik International

(137) Chester Podesta 3: More Speculation and Info (Pizzagate/ Pedogate, Chestergate?) - YouTube

(137) Chester Podesta 3: More Speculation and Info (Pizzagate/ Pedogate, Chestergate?) - YouTube

(137) PizzaGate: Seattle Mayor's FOURTH VICTIM Brings New Evidence of Abuse - YouTube

(137) PizzaGate: Seattle Mayor's FOURTH VICTIM Brings New Evidence of Abuse - YouTube

(137) Chester Bennington MK ULTRA Victim or MILAB? John Podesta, Seth Rich, Max Spiers & PEDOPHILE RINGS - YouTube

(137) Chester Bennington MK ULTRA Victim or MILAB? John Podesta, Seth Rich, Max Spiers & PEDOPHILE RINGS - YouTube





Whangarei shooter's body still not found - 27-Jul-2017 - NZ Law and Order news

Whangarei shooter's body still not found - 27-Jul-2017 - NZ Law and Order news

Shock Horror! CIA Director Admits US Trying to Overthrow Venezuelan Government - Sputnik International

Shock Horror! CIA Director Admits US Trying to Overthrow Venezuelan Government - Sputnik International

Police shot and killed a man while trying to serve a warrant - at the wrong house - NZ Herald

Police shot and killed a man while trying to serve a warrant - at the wrong house - NZ Herald

‘Contradicts international law’: Politicians speak out against new US sanctions — RT News

‘Contradicts international law’: Politicians speak out against new US sanctions — RT News

Laws should apply to everyone

Laws should apply to everyone.

Lies and slander are not an excuse to torture, traffick and repeat crimes against humanity, which they should have been fired and charged for a long time ago, like anyone else. Do the New Zealand laws only apply to some people and not others. New Zealand laws like rape, torture, slavery, trafficking, forced marriage and ID theft. These rogue sadistic government workers are guilty of these crimes. Blame the victims, punish the victims, lie and slander the victims, is not acceptable. These laws should apply to everyone, not just everyone except these rogue sadistic government workers.
I am not on Facebook. I am not a fictional character. ID theft is a crime too. I am not crazy. I am not willing to be raped, tortured and trafficked again. These rogue sadistic government workers should be investigated, fired and charged. The same way anyone else would be. Explain to me why they get away with these crimes against humanity and just dehumanize their victims instead. Extreme sadism is how to describe their threats.
These rogue sadistic government workers should explain themselves. Maniplulating the system. Abuse of power. Way above the law. Cruel crimes against humanity. Lies and slander. These creeps will not get away with torturing and trafficking innocent people against their will ever again. They should have been fired and charged with these crimes the first time. Explain to me why they are so far above the law that the laws dont apply to them.
They just lie, slander and frame up the victims instead. No means no. It does not mean yes.

Why Are The Elites Evacuating The United States And Europe? | peoples trust toronto

Why Are The Elites Evacuating The United States And Europe? | peoples trust toronto

Synthetic cannabis containing rat poison, horse tranquiliser and kitchen cleaner being sold in Hawke's Bay

Synthetic cannabis containing rat poison, horse tranquiliser and kitchen cleaner being sold in Hawke's Bay

Fears for missing woman last seen in Waikanae

Fears for missing woman last seen in Waikanae

Friend says he was last to see missing Christchurch builder Michael McGrath |

Friend says he was last to see missing Christchurch builder Michael McGrath |

The Day Care Witch Hunts: Lest We Forget [Archive] - The Phora

The Day Care Witch Hunts: Lest We Forget [Archive] - The Phora

The Militant - 4/31/95 -- Calls For Inquiry Mount In New Zealand "Child-Abuse" Case

The Militant - 4/31/95 -- Calls For Inquiry Mount In New Zealand "Child-Abuse" Case

Conviction List: Ritual Abuse Cases - RA Info

Conviction List: Ritual Abuse Cases - RA Info

List of Ritual Abuse and Satanic Ritual Abuse References |

List of Ritual Abuse and Satanic Ritual Abuse References |

The World's Largest Humanitarian Crisis Is Basically Being Blacked Out by Western Media | Alternet

The World's Largest Humanitarian Crisis Is Basically Being Blacked Out by Western Media | Alternet

What's the harm in fearing satanic ritual abuse?

What's the harm in fearing satanic ritual abuse?

Black Mountain man had 'sadistic' child pornography images, sentenced to six years | WLOS

Black Mountain man had 'sadistic' child pornography images, sentenced to six years | WLOS

The US Empire, the CIA, and the NGOs | Katehon think tank. Geopolitics & Tradition

The US Empire, the CIA, and the NGOs | Katehon think tank. Geopolitics & Tradition

Virginia man sentenced for having 'sadistic' child pornography

Virginia man sentenced for having 'sadistic' child pornography

‘Violent, sadistic’ child porn case brings man prison

‘Violent, sadistic’ child porn case brings man prison

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Gunman's house reportedly on fire after two people feared dead after Northland shooting |

Gunman's house reportedly on fire after two people feared dead after Northland shooting |

Largest Catholic Church Pedophile Bust in History: 'Unprecedented' Amount of Child Porn Discovered in the Vatican | Humans Are Free

Largest Catholic Church Pedophile Bust in History: 'Unprecedented' Amount of Child Porn Discovered in the Vatican | Humans Are Free

Eighth death linked to synthetic cannabis | Radio New Zealand News

Eighth death linked to synthetic cannabis | Radio New Zealand News

(135) The David Icke Videocast: Jimmy Savile, Paedophilia, Satanism and the Royal Family - YouTube

(135) The David Icke Videocast: Jimmy Savile, Paedophilia, Satanism and the Royal Family - YouTube

(135) The David Icke Videocast: Jimmy Savile, Paedophilia, Satanism and the Royal Family - YouTube

(135) The David Icke Videocast: Jimmy Savile, Paedophilia, Satanism and the Royal Family - YouTube

(135) Jimmy Savile - The Satanic Monster Protected By The "Elites" - YouTube

(135) Jimmy Savile - The Satanic Monster Protected By The "Elites" - YouTube

Denver man sentenced for child porn, ID theft – The Denver Post

Denver man sentenced for child porn, ID theft – The Denver Post

Two dead in Whangarei shooting | Otago Daily Times Online News

Two dead in Whangarei shooting | Otago Daily Times Online News

'Sadistic killer' denied parole | Otago Daily Times Online News

'Sadistic killer' denied parole | Otago Daily Times Online News

'Sadistic killer' denied parole | Otago Daily Times Online News

'Sadistic killer' denied parole | Otago Daily Times Online News

Identity Theft -

Identity Theft -

The campaign against identity theft needs you | The Seattle Times

The campaign against identity theft needs you | The Seattle Times

Avalanche risk high as snow crack appears at Broken River ski area |

Avalanche risk high as snow crack appears at Broken River ski area |

Kiwi man found dead in estuary after night of drinking in Bali

Kiwi man found dead in estuary after night of drinking in Bali

E.U. warns Congress’s Russia sanctions effort could backfire - The Washington Post

E.U. warns Congress’s Russia sanctions effort could backfire - The Washington Post

Trump President 259

Trump President 259

Two people reportedly shot near Whangarei - police |

Two people reportedly shot near Whangarei - police |

Man's body found on tracks near Papatoetoe | Radio New Zealand News

Man's body found on tracks near Papatoetoe | Radio New Zealand News

(135) Jimmy Savile and the 9th Circle (Mind blowing) - YouTube

(135) Jimmy Savile and the 9th Circle (Mind blowing) - YouTube

Finland builds massive underground CITY to prepare for Russia invasion video - Strange Sounds

Finland builds massive underground CITY to prepare for Russia invasion video - Strange Sounds

New York Times reporter was a member of an illegal underage porn site, claims he was only "posing as online predator"

New York Times reporter was a member of an illegal underage porn site, claims he was only "posing as online predator"

US House of Representatives approves new sanctions against Russia — RT America

US House of Representatives approves new sanctions against Russia — RT America

Sadistic personality disorder - Wikipedia

Sadistic personality disorder - Wikipedia

Sadistic Personality Disorder - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prognosis

Sadistic Personality Disorder - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prognosis

RAF Typhoons scrambled to see off two Russian jets racing towards Nato airspace in the Black Sea

RAF Typhoons scrambled to see off two Russian jets racing towards Nato airspace in the Black Sea

US Threatens Nicaragua With Sanctions for Supporting Venezuela | News | teleSUR English

US Threatens Nicaragua With Sanctions for Supporting Venezuela | News | teleSUR English

US Funds ‘Terrorist’ Separatist Groups in Bolivia: Evo Morales | News | teleSUR English

US Funds ‘Terrorist’ Separatist Groups in Bolivia: Evo Morales | News | teleSUR English

Over 100 Children Just Disappeared in UK - Sex Trafficking Fears Have Govt Scrambling

Over 100 Children Just Disappeared in UK - Sex Trafficking Fears Have Govt Scrambling

Sadist - TV Tropes

Sadist - TV Tropes

People Who Killed Their Victims to Assume Their Identities

People Who Killed Their Victims to Assume Their Identities

Dealing With Everyday Sadists and Other "Dark Personalities" | Psychology Today

Dealing With Everyday Sadists and Other "Dark Personalities" | Psychology Today