Monday, July 31, 2017

Guatemala research


600-900 AD – Enema beaker. Pactc slopes. Erquintla Guatemala. Maya. Pinterest. 7 Nov 2015.

830 – Mayans in Tikal Guatemala. 3,000 buildings and 45,000 people. (The story of archeology. Justin Pollard (c)2007 UK).

1524 – Guatemala had been the centre of the Mayan civilization, that flourished for a thousand years. Conquistadors invaded in 1524. (The secret history of the American empire. John Perkins ©2007 US).

1540 – Santiago capital of Guatemala was destroyed by and earthquake in 1540. (Lost explorers. Ed Wright UK).

Mid 1500s – Bishop Diego de Lande, the Spanish burned all the Mayan bark cloth books. The Mayan collection was destroyed, so was anyone who knew anything about it. Mayans lived in Guatemala. (A history of info storage and retrieval. Foster Stockwell ©2001 US).

1800s -1980s – By the end of the 1800s Boston based company United Fruit operated in Guatemala until the early 1950s. In 1954 the CIA organised a coup, American planes bombed the capital and installed Col Carlos Castillo Armas. A civil war erupted in 1960, right wing death squads. 1980s violence, torture and killings. (The secret history of the America empire. John Perkins ©2007 US).

1920 – The US sent troops to Guatemala. (The untold story of the US. Oliver Stone. ©2012 US).

1930s – Guatemala under Jorge Ubio. The land owning rich and the poor peasants. 3 million people in Guatemala.. (Red heat. Alex von Tunzelmann. (c)2011 UK).

1940s – A US operation in the 1940s to infect hundreds of Guatemalan citizens with syphilis. Pinterest.

1940s – Guatemalans and STD experiments, a crime in the history of the government. The people were used as guinea pigs. The US government experimented on Guatemalan prisoners  in the 1940s. Psychiatric tortures and infecting people with sypihilis and STDs. A crime against humanity. At least 1,500 Guatemalans were diagnosed with ficticious health conditions. (Natural news. 2 Oct 2010. Mike Adams. Health ranger).

1950s – A  stone head was found in the Guatemalan jungle. Photo taken in the 1950s. A giant Olmec stone head. An as yet undiscovered culture. Pinterest. 7 Nov 2015.

1950-54 - Guatemala, Jacobo Arbenz was elected in late 1950. 1952 Uited fruit company and American railway company. 1954 the Kemlin KT Czech on a Swedish ship the Alfhelm $4.9 million. Union bank of Switzerland and Stabank Pragg Czech. to Czech company Investa. 25 May 1954. 18 June 1954. CIA rebels invaded 1950. 23 June 1954 Soviets UN, jets pilots CIA rebels bombed Guatemala. Arbenz. (Khrushchev cold war. Alexandr Furshenko 2006).

1951-54 – Jacobo Arbenz Guzman was elected president of Guatemala in 1951. More than 90% of the land was owned by landlords or companies. Landless peasants made up more than half the population. From 1952-54 Arbenz gave 1.5 million acres to 100,000 poor families. The United fruit company was the largest landlord in Guatemala. They lost 400,000 acres and demanded $30 million. The CIA wanted to ovethrow Arbenz in 1951. (Red heat. Alex von Tunzelmann (c)2011 UK).

1952 – The Socialist Arbenz government nationalized 400,000 acres of unfarmed banana plantations, belonging to American United Fruit company in 1952. Arbenz invited the Communists to join his coalition. (Cold war. ©1993 M Walker).

1953-54 – Frank Wisner of the CIA and General Claire Chennault of the CIA airline CAT. Paul Helliwell also CIA in Guatemala. Helliwell’s Castle bank. (Global research. Peter Dale Scott. 6 Sept 2008).

1954 – After the right wing revolution in Guatemala in 1954, Cummings supplied the new government of Castillo-Armas with American Garand rifles, which he brought in the UK. (Arms bazaar. ©1977 Sampson).

1954 – CIA covert action was to topple the regime in Guatemala. Eisenhower’s PA was married to the head of PR at United Fruit, the corporation that engineered the overthrow of Guatemala’s government in 1954, after it nationalized land. (History Today. April 2013 UK).

1954 – CIA agents Tracy Barnes and Jake Esteline tried to bribe Arbenz. The CIA in March 1954 Arbenz. Foreign minister was Guillermo Toriello. Foster Dulles spoke against international communism. In May 1954 arms from Czech arrived in Guatemala with Nazi insignia, useless. On 27 June 1954 Arbenz was overthrown by the army and the US made Castillo Armas president. (Red heat. Alex von Tunzelmann (c)2011 UK).

1954 – Telegraph UK. Tom Rob Smith. 9 Nov 2015.  A CIA manual for covert action in Guatemala was found. Jabobo Arbenz Guzman was overthrown.

Jan-May 1954 – Jan 1954 Arbenz Communists in Guatemala. Russian bugs and spies at the US embassy there. Feb 1954 New York Times reporter Sydney Grusen was expelled from Guatemala. Arbenz got Czech arms and munitions shipped to Guatemala. On 15 May 1954 the SS Aflhem, thousands Czech weapons to Puerto Barrio port. Anti aircraft guns. (American spy. E Howard Hunt (c)2007 US).

June 1954 – On 17 June 1954 Colonel Carlos Castillo Armes and his wife crossed the Honduran border into Guatemala. For several days Hunt and the CIA got American jets and pilots to strafe and bombard Guatemala city. It lead a mercenary army financed and trained by the CIA in a CIA coup. The Lodge family, Henry Cabot Lodge had investments in United Fruit company. 25 June 1954 Arbenz resigned and went into exile in Mexico (Who really killed Kennedy. Jarome C Corsi © 2013 US).

June 1954 – The Eisenhower govt, allowed the CIA to overthrow the govt of Pres Jacobo Arbenez in Guatemala. The Czechs were trying to sell Guatemala German military equipment from World War Two. Historian Piero Gleijeses searched Guatemalan archives, which had been seized by the CIA. (We know now. John Lewis Gaddis ©1997 US).

July August 1954 – On 3 July 1954 Carlos Castillo Armas went to Guatemala city on a US embassy plane. 8 July 1965 in Aug 1954 Armes suspended all civil liberties. Within a week the govt arrested 4,000 people accused of Communism. Within four months 72,000 Guatemalans became registered Communists. (Who really killed Kennedy. Jerome C Corsi ©2013 US).

1957 – Associates of  Carlos Marcello and Johnny Rosselli murdered the pres of Guatemala. It was blamed on a lone patsy. The gunman was killed before he was to stand trial. (Ultimate sacrifice. JFK. Lamar Waldron (c)2005 US).

26 July 1957 – Carlos Castillo Armas was assassinated, four days after trying to close a casino owned by US Mafia Johnny Roselli. Roselli and Carlos Marcello from New Orleans were expanding in Guatemala. (Who really killed Kennedy. Jerome C Corsi ©2013 US).

26 July 1957 – The CIA organised the assassination of Carlos Castillo Armez in Guatemala. 26 July 1957. CIA E Howard. (Who really killed Kennedy. Jerome C Corsi ©2013 US).

1960s – Robert Kennedy had Marcello deported to Guatemala. Marcello was allegedly born in Tunisia North Africa and got fake documents saying he was born in Guatemala. Aided by pilot David Ferrie, Marcello made his way back to the US via Florida. David Ferrie introduced him to Lee Harvey Oswald in New Orleans. Jack Ruby was paying off corrupt police in Dallas. (Who really killed Kennedy. Jerome C Corsi ©2013 US).

1 Jan 1961 – Dillan Feltman émigré and CIA asset George de Mohrenschilt in Guatemala with his wife. Four months there.

15 March 1961 – Robert Kennedy ordered Carlos Marcello deported to Guatemala, where he had brought a birth certificate. On 4 April 1961 Marcello was sent to Guatemala. Bad treatment of Marcello from Robert Kennedy. (Mafia pdf).

1963 – Enrique Ruiz Harry Willliams was in Guatemala, two pistol weilding. He escaped, gun battle, one of his asailants, the other assailant fled the scene. Mafia boss Carlos Marcello and Johnny Rosselli. Manuel Artime. (Ultimate sacrifice. Lamar Waldron (c)2005 US).

1 Nov 1963 – David Ferrie flew back to New Orleans from Guatemala on 1 Nov 1963. As a pilot, he, or Mertz, who could also fly small aircraft, could have secretly flown anyone into Chicago. Miguel Casas Saez was also reported in Chicago  by 1 Nov 1963. The day before the JFK motorcade. (Ultimate sacrifice. Lamar Waldron (c)2005 US).

28 August 1968 – The US ambassador to Guatemala was assassinated. John Gordon Mein was murdered by a rebel faction, when gunmen forced his official car off the road in Guatemala city and raked the vehicle with gunfire.

28 August 1968 – A drive by assassination killed the American ambassador to Guatemala.

1970s 1980s – Mass killings in Guatemala. Jose Efraim Rios Montt. (Worse than war. David Jonah Goldhagen. (c)2009 US).

1972 – Luis Somoza from Nicaragua. Carlos Prio former pres of Cuba. Artime in Guatemala city in 1972. (Ultimate sacrifice. Lamar Waldron (c)2005 US).

1974 – The Kaibil's in Guatemala. The army's counter insurgency force which was founded in 1974. Mayan villages were destroyed and many peasants were killed. (Zero zero zero. Roberto Saviano (c)2013 UK).

1976 – John Hugh Wetterer, a Vietnam war veteran, founded an orphanage in Guatemala city, the Mi Casa. Toybox charity was a CIA front. Child abuse in Guatemala and the Americare paedophile ring.

1976 – A 7.5 earthquake killed more than 20,000 people. The November 2012 earthquake is the strongest since then. ABC news Australia 8 Nov 2012.

4 Feb 1976 – 23,000 people were killed in a 7.5 earthquake. Rapture ready.

4 Feb 1976 – A 7.5 earthquake. 23,000 people died. USGS historic world earthquakes.

1978 to 1985 – The Guatemalan government was anti Communist. Murder of Mayans. They expelled a million people. (Worse than war. David Jonah Goldhagen. (c)2009 US).

1980s – Guatemalan government killing of leftists and Mayans. documents were kept.. People were disappeared by the police. (Worse than war. David Jonah Goldhagen. (c)2009 US).

1982 – Stephen Kinzer. Bitter fruit. The untold story of the American coup in Guatemala. Garden city NY. Doubleday.

1982 – Richard H Immerman. The CIA in Guatemala. The foreign policy of intervention. Austin university of Texas press. Google books. The overthrow of the Castillo Armas government in 1954.

Feb 1982 – CIA sent cable. Counter insurgency ops in El Quiche. NSA the Guatemalan military. What the US files reveal, deaths.

6 Dec 1982 – Las Dos Erres in Peten was razed to the ground. 40 Kaibil government forces killed, tortured and raped, men, women and children. At least 250 people were killed. (Zero zero zero. Roberto Saviano (c)2013 UK).

Sept 1985 – From Marama Air Force base in Arizona, 4,000 TOW missiles were airlifted to Guatemala to begin their trip to Tel Aviv Israel. (Gideons spies. Gordon Thomas (c)2008 UK).

1990s – Cali cartel. Guatemala was a warehouse for cocaine. Most of the cocaine trafficking there was Cali cartel. Traffickers went by Guatemala to move 50 to 75 tons of cocaine a year to the US. (Drug barons. Paul Copperwaite ©2010 US UK).

1990 – The army murdered civilians in Santiago Atitlan, one of many massacres. Officially classified as “disappeared”. (The secret history of the American empire. John Perkins. ©2007 US).

1991 – Piero Gleijeses. Shattered hope, the Guatemalan and the US 1944-54. Princeton uni press.

1993 - Jerry Witts 1993 Antigua Guatemala. Saiwai Tapai bank. Forex currency trader . Forex. OTC Market Mexico. Guatemala Quetzals (money). Forex maeket. A farming company called Martini Platanor, Caribbean of Dominica hurricane 1950s. Island British Bahamas. (The devils deal. Andreas Loizou. 2012).

Dec 1994 – Mass graves. World press. Plan de Sanchez E.

Mid 1990s - US State dept official forced Guatemala to cut a law that saved the lived of 8 missing . The law bans the use of images of fat babies on infant formula packs. Product reconstituted with contaminated water. Baby food manufacturer Gerber Objects. US State dept official threat Guatemala trade . (The body hunters. Sonia Shah 2006).

1996 – Illegal adoptions. The Cook reports. Baby bandits. The Islington council London UK. Roger Cook. Guatemala and the UK. Jim Wroe.

1996 – After 36 years and more than 200,000 deaths the civil war in Giatemala ended, There may have been 126 massacres. (Zero zero zero. Roberto Saviano (c)2013 UK).

28 May 1997 - Tim Weiner. CIA plotted killing of 58 in Guateama. New York Times.

1999 – Guatemala, never again. REMNI historical, archdiocece of Guatemala. New York. Orbis.

1999 – Secret history, the CIA’s classified account of its operations in Guatemala 1952-54. Nick Cullather. Piero Gleijeses. Stanford Calif. Worldcat database.

16 April 1999 – Mass graves were found of civilians in Guatemala. Matt Kantz. National Catholic reporter. Executions, thousands of bodies were found buried in mass graves.

28 Dec 1999 – Larry Dale Lee age 41. An Ameican journalist in Guatemala city was found dead , killed two days after. Wikipedia. Unsolved deaths.

Dec 2000 – Israeli army officer Shimon Yelenik and weapons to Colombia, a Guatemalan arms firm. Israeli Ori Zoller, Nicaraguan army. (The shadow world. Andrew Feinstein (c)2011 US).

2003 – The civil war in Guatemala. The Kaibil murderers and drug trafficking by the military and police. Trafficking in children for illegal adoptions. (Zero zero zero. Roberto Saviano (c)2013 UK).

1 Oct 2003 – The anti terrorist Kaibil special forces were created in Guatemala. Kaibil murderers were the cause of the most crimes in Guatemala's 36 years of civil war. The law and paramilitary group called the Kaibils were guilty of genocide. (Zero zero zero. Roberto Saviano (c)2013 UK).

21 Jan 2005 – Andean folk art paintings. At Fiumicino airport a Guatemalan citizen was detained. Five paintings with 12 pre Colombian motifs was found, folded in each was an envelope with a kilo of 92% pure cocaine worth one millon Euros. (Zero zero zero. Roberto Saviano (c)2013 UK).

18 Nov 2005 – Drugs and the Guatemala military. Texas Observer.

21 Nov 2005 – The Guatemala police archives. Images from Guatemala secret files of repression.

23 August 2007 – AP US customs seized semi submarine with millions worth of cocaine off Guatemala.

16 Aug 2011 - Guatemala, another kidnap attempt in the US. CNN. Ricks int adoption. A 6 year old girl.

2012 - Mossfon supplies shell companies. Brodway commerce ltd. US Sarton 2012. A Guatemalan woman Marllory Dadiana. Chalon Rossell. A large drug route in central America. (The Panama papers. BF Obermaier 2016).

6 Aug 2013 - Insight crime. Children stolen for illegal rape and organs. Marguerite Cawley. Human trafficking. 22 passports of stolen children illegal . Stolen babies organs. False birth certificates for newborns. Prensa Libra. Illegal adoption a crime before 2007. Child trafficking, sent to the UK 2008 world trafficking.

4 Oct 2013 - Baby snatching for illegal adoption in Guatemala. News Anastasia Moloney. reuters.

26 Feb 2016 - Guatemala soldier sentenced to 240 years for systematic rapes. The Sepur Zarco case. Sex abuse case. Slavery.

4 Sept 2016 - Twitter. Earthquake report. A 4.2 earthquake off  Guatemala.

11 Oct 2016 - Billion graves cemetery. Cementerio general. Guatemala city. 203 new images added. Twitter.

11 Oct 2016 - Efraim Rios Montt dictator. Army massacres. Victoria Sanford. Telesur. Denial holocaust and Guatemala genocide. Maya. Rios Montts. The UN, army generals killed 200,000 Mayan people, Destroying 626 Mayan villages. 50,000 people went missing, 5,000 children. 1.5 million people displaced. Genocide. 1980s and 1990s.

2 Jan 2017 - Guatemala bust. Cocaine of Pacific coast. 1,500 pounds (680kg) of cocaine, boat of the coast. NZ Herald. AP.

10 March 2017 - NZ Herald. Death toll rises to 34. Fire in a youth center in Guatemala. San Jose Pinka. AP. 34 girls dead. A youth shelter, rapes and intimidation. Boys and girls raped. A mass breakout at hospitals and morgue. Rape slavery trafficking.

20 March 2017 - Riot at Guatemala jail. NZ Herald. 2 people dead and several injured.

29 March 2017 - al Jazeera. Guatemala's disappeared. Thousands of people missing during the civil war. Mass murder, torture, 45,000 forcibly disappeared. 36 year conflict 200,000 people killed. Peace signed in 1996.

22 June 2017 - G+. Strong 6.8 earthquake. Near the coast of Guatemala. USGS. Volcano

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